The Shipbroker List

Shipbroker list - Find shipbroking companies

Also available 'Inside shipbroking' and 'Shipbroker Fast Track'

The Shipbroker List

From the author of 'Inside Shipbroking' and 'Shipbroker Fast Track'

Here is 46 pages listing the names and city of domicile for over 2,000 shipbrokers in 92 different countries.

The list as sorted alphabetically country by country.

Perfect for Shipbroker/Chartering job hunters and marketers

In brief Australia

Canada - 48 listings
China - 58 listings
Denmark - 56 listings
France - 38 listings
Germany - 104 listings
Greece - 182 listings
India - 87 listings
Italy - 58 Listings
Japan - 42 listings
South Korea - 37 listings
Netherlands - 63 listings
Norway - 69 listings
Russia - 33 listings
Singapore - 64 listings
South Africa - 26 listings
Spain - 53 listings
Turkey - 76 listings
United Arab Emirates - 47 listings
United Kingdom - 195 listings
Unites States - 179 listings
Vietnam - 42 listings

Plus much more.

I have done 90 percent of the work now all you have to do is look up your local yellow pages and give them a call.

I hope you find it useful.

(any contact information is not guaranteed and believed to be true and accurate at the time of publishing)

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